- Summary
Reconsidering Pausanias’ Possible Source for the Gallic Invasion of Greece (279/278 BC)
Andrea Pierozzi
Une affaire de famille : produire des amphores à Rhodes et à Cnide au iie siècle avant J.-C.
Thibaut Castelli
Septime Sévère conseruator orbis à Lepcis Magna et à Avenches
Michel Christol
Appel à la conversion et controverses religieuses dans les écrits des auteurs chrétiens d’ Afrique à l’ aube du tournant constantinien
Mohamed-Arbi Nsiri
Fiscalité : revue de littérature juridique à l’ usage de l’ histoire ancienne
Michaël Girardin
La philosophie de l’ histoire de Vico dans un tableau de Jean Gigoux (1837-1838)
Anna Eleanor Signorini
Chronique des travaux en Égypte. Chronique 2023
Paysages et cadastres de l’Antiquité. Chronique 2023
Les concepts en sciences de l’Antiquité : mode d’emploi Chronique 2023
- Contents
Reconsidering Pausanias’ Possible Source for the Gallic Invasion of Greece (279/278 BC)
Andrea Pierozzi
Thibaut Castelli, A Family Business: Producing Amphorae in Rhodes and Knidus in the 2nd century BC
Thibaut Castelli
Michel Christol, Septimius Severus conseruator orbis at Lepcis Magna and Avenches
Michel Christol
Mohamed-Arbi Nsiri, Call to Conversion and Religious Controversy in the Writings of African Christian Authors at the Dawn of the Constantinian Turn
Mohamed-Arbi Nsiri
Michaël Girardin, Taxation: a Juridical Inquiry for Historians
Michaël Girardin
Anna Eleanor Signorini, Vico’ s Philosophy of History in a Painting by Jean Gigoux (1837-1838)
Anna Eleanor Signorini
Archaeological and Epigraphical Survey in Egypt. Chronicles 2023
Landscapes and Field Patterns. Chronicles 2023
I- Archaeology of territories and landscape dynamics
II- Space structuring and and spatial logics
III- Eminent state ownership and the maintenance of uectigalia: the agrarian law of 643 BC (111 BC) and Italy
IV- Cultural landscapes and patrimony valorisation
Concepts in Classics: a User’ s Guide – Roman Ethnogenesis
I- Introduction: Rome and the perpetual reconfiguration of memory
Anca Dan
II- Ethnos, polis, nomen, populus, res publica: were the Latins a “people”?
Florence Dupont
III- News on the ethnogenesis of the Latins
Alexandre Grandazzi
IV- Geography, ethnography, identity and Romanisation in Iberia/Hispania
Gonzalo Cruz Andreotti, Encarnación Castro-Páez
V- Considerations on the chronology of urban renewal in the cities of the Roman province of Sicily
Salvatore De Vincenzo
VI- Romanisation, urban development, municipalisation. Observations on the urban structure of the Italic municipia of Sannio in the late republic
Chiara Blasetti Fantauzzi
- Author (s)
- Readership
Researchers and Advanced Students in History and Literature of Ancient Worlds (Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome)
- Online
- Support (s)
Revue soutenue par l’INHS du CNRS, publiée avec le concours de l’Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité (UFC – ISTA UR 4011)