
Dialogues d’histoire ancienne 46/1


2020 – ISBN : 978-2-84867-778-1 – 436 pages – book size : 16x22 cm

Revue : Dialogue d'Histoire Ancienne

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40.00 €

† Colette Annequin

FOLDER: Between Violence and Anomia in the Ancient World 2/3

Panagiotis Doukellis, Between Violence And Anomia In The Ancient World: vis abesto in practice and political reflection

Vana I. Anastasiadis, Political Goods and the Habitus of Freedom (on Demosthenes, XXI, 222)

Georgios Zachos, Cercidas’ Meliamb on Wealth and Poverty: the Violent Emotions of a Society in Crisis

Ioannis E. Tzamtzis, Vis abesto: The Functional Approach to the Theme of Public Violence in the De legibus


Paloma Guijarro Ruano, Fernando García Romero,Slave Cities in the Ancient World: Fact or Fiction?

Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan, Diodorus Siculus, the Myths of the Flood, and the “Book of the Islands”

Gabrièle Larguinat-Turbatte,Architecture in Strabo’s Description of Asia Minor

Jacobo Rodríguez Garrido,Ne Serva Prostituatur: Slavery, Prostitution, and the Limits of Dominica Potestas in Ancient Rome

Álvaro Castaños Montesinos, Italian Marxist Studies on Antiquity: an Interview with Filippo Coarelli


Archaeological and Epigraphical Survey in Egypt. Chronicles 2020

Landscapes and Field Patterns. Chronicles 2020

Concepts in Classics: a User’s Guide. Chronicles 2020 – The sacred and its spaces in Greece, Etruria and Roman Italy



† Colette Annequin

FOLDER: Between Violence and Anomia in the Ancient World 2/3

Between Violence And Anomia In The Ancient World: vis abesto in practice and political reflection

          Panagiotis Doukelllis

Political Goods and the Habitus of Freedom (on Demosthenes, XXI, 222)

          Vana I. Anastasiadis

Cercidas’ Meliamb on Wealth and Poverty: the Violent Emotions of a Society in Crisis

          Georgios Zachos

Vis abesto: The Functional Approach to the Theme of Public Violence in the De legibus

          Ioannis E. Tzamtzis

 Slave Cities in the Ancient World: Fact or Fiction?

          Paloma Guijarro Ruano, Fernando García Romero

Diodorus Siculus, the Myths of the Flood, and the “Book of the Islands”

          Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan

Architecture in Strabo’s Description of Asia Minor

          Gabrièle Larguinat-Turbatte

Ne Serva Prostituatur: Slavery, Prostitution, and the Limits of Dominica Potestas in Ancient Rome

          Jacobo Rodríguez Garrido

Italian Marxist Studies on Antiquity: an Interview with Filippo Coarelli

          Álvaro Castaños Montesinos


Archaeological and Epigraphical Survey in Egypt. Chronicles 2020

I- Report on the 2019 campaign at the Kom Ombo temple

          Françoise Labrique

II- Zwei bislang unbearbeitete Fragmente aus Kom Ombo

          Sven Eicke


Landscapes and Field Patterns. Chronicles 2020

I- Ground occupation and rural dynamics

          Monique Clavel-Leveque

II- The agrarian law of 643 a.u.c. (111 BC) and Italy, III, lines 29-42

          Jean Peyras

III- Structuration of territories and spatial logic

          Monique Clavel-Leveque, Jean Peyras

IV- Coastal landscapes and wetlands: paleo-environment and management

          Corinne Sanchez, Guillaume Duperron, Marie-Pierre Jezegou, Vivien Mathe

V- Cultural landscape: restoration and valorisation

          Monique Clavel-Leveque


Concepts in Classics: a User’s Guide. Chronicles 2020 – The sacred and its spaces in Greece, Etruria and Roman Italy


I- Introduction: Sacred spaces, places of worship, mythical and religious landscapes

          Anca Dan

II- Olympia, the multidimensional space of a sacred Greek land

          Hans-Joachim Gehrke

III- Tradition and changes in the sacred landscape of Roman Etruria: chronological, political and cultural issues

          Salvatore De Vincenzo

IV- Changes in the sacred landscape in central Apennine Italy during the Roman era

          Chiara Blasetti Fantauzzi



Author (s)
Researchers and Advanced Students in History and Literature of Ancient Worlds (Near East, Egypt, Greece, Rome)
Support (s)
Revue soutenue par l’INHS du CNRS, publiée avec le concours de l’Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité (UFC, EA 4011)