- Résumé
What can be the future of the web? This question leads us to wonder how this new field will change the knowledge system in the world and what role is foreseen for NLP in the web 3, 4 and 5, ie the Internet to come. It is true that the web for many people means doubts. The treatment of information is very superficial. It is important for everybody to know who is who and who said what, who really does what. We must bring common sense and reason on the Net... We must take into account the specificity of each domain. All fields are concerned, but some very deeply: medicine, sciences such as chemistry, commerce, oil and energy, for instance... Exchanges between researchers have become the rule, the results
- Sommaire
Henri Madec
New knowledge expression on the web
Hanane Mahjoubi
Time processing on the Internet
Henri Madec
The DEFT text challenge
Jean-Baptiste Berthelin
Language analysis and knowledge modelling for automatic processing of incoming email: toward a competitive intelligence system in the field of air tourism
Marion Barbé
Terminology ontologies and NLP in the oil domain
Sultan Al Jazzar
The contributions of natural language processing and knowledge management to e-health
Pascale Etchebes
Using ontologies to improve the detection and categorization of evaluative segments in texts: the case of corporate reputation
Mathias Lambert, Philippe Laublet
Building ontologies for web data mining
Nadhir Jerbi
Arabic learning difficulties and web solutions
ImplementationsMona Al Wohaib
Platforms of multiapplication e-learning
Shatha Alhoti
From theory to practice: the establishment of French syntax e-learning system
Yu-Ann Lee
The Internet and linguistic instability in Algeria
Ali Sassane
Inventory of the SMS language, nowadays has it a harmfull influence on the French language
Thierry Lecolinet
Can the Internet promote plurilingual competence?
Maria Teresa Wlosowicz
Some translation issues: the case of Arabic and natural language processing
Farouk Bouhadiba, Djamel Zinai
Trends in the treatment of knowledge
Catherine Madec
- Auteur(s)
Henri MADEC (dir.)Centre Lucien Tesnière (dir.)Université de Franche Comté (dir.)Les auteurs sont des enseignants et des chercheurs du Centre Tesnière, d'universités françaises et étrangères, de centres de recherches partout dans le monde. Ils sont de civilisations diverses : européenne, arabe, chinoise…
- Public
Enseignants et chercheurs TAL, chercheurs en sciences du langage, ingénieurs informaticiens, Linguistes, Ingénieurs connaissance (E-leaning), chercheurs en sciences cognitives, spécialistes des nouvelles technologies, journalistes.
- éléments téléchargeables
- Soutien(s)
Centre Tesnière