- Résumé
This collection of articles "Cities on the Margin; On the Margin of Cities" deals with the diversity and disparity of urban space in the United Kingdom and in Ireland. It studies the social fabric of British and Irish cities and the interrelationships between people, social classes, or ethnic groups, which compose the postmodern cityscape. It sheds light on the city as it has been described by contemporary novelists who have not yet attracted much in the way of critical attention.
Although this is first and foremost a literary study, social, ethical and ethnic aspects are given great priority. The variety of perspectives adopted by the authors provides contrasting and complementary views on the theme of inclusion/exclusion. The margin stands tor those who are left aside and those who see their cities as being on the periphery of British or Irish culture.
Les articles qui composent « Cities on the Margin; On the Margin of Cities » considèrent la diversité et la disparité de l'espace urbain au Royaume-Uni et en Irlande. L'ouvrage examine le tissu social des cités britanniques et irlandaises ainsi que les relations que les gens, les classes sociales ou les groupes ethniques qui composent le paysage urbain postmoderne y entretiennent. Il met en lumière la cité telle qu'elle a été décrite par des romanciers contemporains qui n'ont pas encore retenu l'attention de la critique.
Bien que cet ouvrage soit avant tout une étude littéraire, l'accent est aussi mis sur les aspects sociaux, éthiques et ethniques. La variété des perspectives adoptées par les auteurs fournit des vues contrastées et complémentaires sur le thème de l'intégration et de l'exclusion. La marge représente les laissés-pour-compte et ceux qui considèrent que leur ville se situe à la périphérie de la culture britannique ou irlandaise. - Sommaire
CITIES ON THE MARGIN - ON THE MARGIN OF CITIES Representations of Urban Space in Contemporary Irish and British Fiction
Philippe Laplace & Eric Tabuteau (éditeurs)
Gérard BREY (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon), Foreword
Philippe LAPLACE & Eric TABUTEAU (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon), Cities on the Margin ; On the Margin of Cities
Richard SKEATES (Open University), “Those vast new wildernesses of glass and brick” : Representing the Contemporary Urban Condition
Peter MILES (University of Wales, Lampeter), Road Rage : Urban Trajectories and the Working Class
Tim WOODS (University of Wales, Aberystwyth), Re-Enchanting the City : Sites and Non-Sites in Urban Fiction
Eric TABUTEAU (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon), Marginally Correct : Zadie Smith ‘s White Teeth and Sam Selvon’s The Lonely Londoners
Corinne DUBOIN (University of Réunion), Searching for the Centre : African-Caribbean Women’s Experience of London in Joan Riley’s Romance
Ana Maria SANCHEZ-ARCE (University of Hull), Invisible Cities : Being and Creativity in Meera Syal’s Anita and Me and Ben Okri’s Astonishing the Gods
Marianne CAMUS (University of Franche-Comté, Besançon), York in Behind the Scenes at the Museum : A City in-between
Sara MARINELLI (Istituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli), “Under a beautiful light.” Marginality, Regeneration, Relocation: Women’s Voices with in the Glasgow Narrative
Philippe LAPLACE (Universîty of Franche-Comté, Besançon), Bodies of Evidence : Cities and Stories in Robert McLiam Wilson’s Eureka Street and Irvine Welsh’s Filth
Shane MURPHY (University of Aberdeen), The city is a Map of the City : Representations of Belfast’s Narrow Ground
Joseph BROOKER (Birkbeck College, University of London), Larrygogan in Space : The Barrytown Trilogy
Ruth HELYER (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne), “It was a madhouse of assorted bric à-brac” : Urban Intensification in Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting
Notes on Contributors
- Auteur(s)
Philippe LAPLACE (éd.)Éric TABUTEAU (éd.)
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