About us
Who we are
Created in 1997 to serve as the publishing outlet for the University of Franche-Comté, PUFC takes its place within a long and prestigious tradition of academic publishing.
The University attaches great importance to the promotion of research and the dissemination of knowledge and has therefore created an invaluable institutional resource to publish the work of its academics and of scholars from the wider academic community.
PUFC play an important role in regional networks and the promotion of the heritage of the Franche-Comté.
As an academic publisher, PUFC belongs to the Association Des Éditeurs de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (AEDRES) and to the Association of European University Press (AEUP).
Editorial policy
PUFC publishes work that falls outside traditional subject areas (Arts and Humanities), in fields usually less well-represented in academic publishing (physics and mathematics, legal studies, finance and economy, sport and various other fields).
The Press aims to attract an academic readership (researchers, teachers, students) but also educated general readers keen to access serious scholarly research in a user-friendly form.
In line with our editorial policy, we publish in a variety of formats: paperback editions at a reasonable price, online and multi-media publishing.
Diffusion and distribution
FMSH-Diffusion handles the distribution to retailers and the diffusion of our books and journals. They can also be ordered through your bookshop or our online shop http://presses-ufc.univ-fcomte.fr – or via the French University Presses’ online shop http://lcdpu.fr.
PUFC is also represented at the main book festivals in partnership with the Centre régional du livre de Franche-Comté.
Management > Departments
Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté
PUFC – Université de Franche-Comté
47, Rue Mégevand, 25030 Besançon cedex, France
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 59 70 – email : presses-ufc@univ-fcomte.fr
Managing Director
Jean-Paul Barrière
Telephone : 33(0)3 81 66 59 74 – email : jean_paul.barriere@univ-fcomte.fr
Administration & finance
Emilie Paris, administrative and financial assistant
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 59 70 – email : emilie.paris@univ-fcomte.fr
Editing & Distribution
Renald Cuzacq, Editorial assistant / distribution
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 59 72 – email: renald.cuzacq@univ-fcomte.fr
Design and layout
Frédérique Baehr, designer and editorial assistant
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 53 21 – email : frederique.baehr@univ-fcomte.fr
Marie Bonjour, designer and editorial assistant
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 53 12 – email : marie.bonjour@univ-fcomte.fr
Julie Gillet, designer and editorial assistant
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 59 71 – email : julie.gillet@univ-fcomte.fr
Marie Gillet, editorial secretary and designer
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 51 23 – email : marie.gillet@univ-fcomte.fr
Laurène Leclercq, editorial secretary
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 54 64 – email : laurene.leclercq@univ-fcomte.fr
Sophie Lorioz, designer and editorial assistant
Telephone : 33 (0)3 81 66 59 73 – email : sophie.lorioz@univ-fcomte.fr