Products tagged with 'Franche-Comté'
Actions de revitalisation et territoires en devenir
Nathalie KROICHVILI (edit. director) – 2023
From a scientific point of view, this book tests the operationality of the territorial revitalisation concept sheds light on the dynamics of the North Franche-Comté territory and aims to accompany the practice of the actors of industrial areas.
25.00 € -
Échanges et vie économique en Franche-Comté
Fanette LAUBENHEIMER – Sylviane HUMBERT – 2022
The systematic study of the amphoric heritage of Franche-Comté, old collections and recent excavations, i.e. more than 100 000 shards of amphorae or nearly 4 500 amphorae (minimum number) makes it possible to draw up distribution maps of the wine trade, oil and fish sauces in particular. An epigraphic corpus presents 309 stamps on amphorae of painted marks and graffiti. The synthesis offers a new image of trade and exchanges in Franche-Comté.
55.00 € -
Ouvriers et mouvement ouvrier dans le Doubs de la Première Guerre mondiale au début des années 1950
Claude CUENOT – Xavier VIGNA (preface by) – François LASSUS (maps by) – 2020
Combining social analysis of the group and mobilization of social class, this synthesis on Doubs department’s labour movement between 1914 and 1950 evokes trade union action and the place of political left in an industrialized and rural environment.
25.00 €