Products tagged with 'politics'

  1. couverture de l'ouvrage Dette et politique, dirigé par Stavroula KEFALLONITIS

    Dette et politique

    Stavroula KEFALLONITIS (edit. director) – 2022

    The collective work Debt and Politics offers a panel of papers on the economic stakes of politics in antiquity and today. Debt is seen as a key issue of social and institutional equilibria.

    19.00 €
  2. couverture Le libéralisme caméléon d'Antoine Schwartz

    Le libéralisme caméléon

    Antoine SCHWARTZ – Eric ANCEAU (preface by) – 2022

    What does liberal mean ? Between history and sociology, the book studies the political and intellectual engagement of liberals during the Second Empire. After Tocqueville, another generation questions the conditions of a liberal government in a democracy.

    35.00 €
  3. encyclopedisme_couverture

    Les encyclopédismes en France à l’ère des révolutions (1789-1850)

    Vincent BOURDEAU – Jean-Luc CHAPPEY – Julien VINCENT (edit. director) – 2020

    Between 1789 and 1848, the idea of an encyclopedia took on a considerable scope. Inseparable from the idea of a universal republic, it lies at the heart of a multiplicity of challenges for the reconstruction of post-revolutionary society.

    30.00 €
  4. Les mutations récentes du foncier et des agricultures en Europe

    Les mutations récentes du foncier et des agricultures en Europe

    Gérard CHOUQUER – Marie-Claude MAUREL (edit. director) – 2019

    This book represents the most recent update on the changes in land and agriculture in Europe. It examines recent developments in agricultural policies and changes in reference models.

    30.00 €
  5. L’éducation à la citoyenneté

    L’éducation à la citoyenneté

    Julien PASTEUR – Carole WIDMAIER (edit. director) – 2018

    Toute idée du citoyen implique l'élaboration de visions théoriques et de moyens pratiques pour une éducation à la citoyenneté. A quelles conditions l'éducation est-elle capable d'assurer dans la durée la cohésion sociale ou la liberté politique ?

    22.00 €
  6. theatre-musical_couverture

    Théâtre musical (XXe et XXIe siècles)

    Muriel PLANA – Nathalie VINCENT-ARNAUD – Ludovic FLORIN – Frédéric SOUNAC (edit. director) – 2019

    This multi-disciplinary book investigates the aesthetic and political dimensions of music theatre in the 20th and 21st centuries. It brings together a variety of studies which emphasize the main expressive and performative devices and aims of this hybrid artistic form.

    15.00 €