- Résumé
This special number of the BULAG contains 9 research papers of special merit written by students of the 3rd intake (2010) of the European Erasmus Mundus Masters Course International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology. The papers have been written as a requirement of the students' research projects which they presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology, Universite de Franche-Comte, France, 12-13 June, 2012. Research themes: multilinguism, translation and machine translation (4 papers); text applications (3): generation, simplification and classification; automatic speech recognition (1); these with associated linguistic analyses, including comparative, of several languages: Catalan, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
- Sommaire
Sylviane Cardey
Use of Discourse Knowledge to Improve Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis
Pedro Paulo Balage Filho
Linguistic Indicators for Quality Estimation of Machine Translations
Mariano Felice
A New Task for Lexical Simplification
Sujay Kumar Jauhar
Machine Translation & Controlled Languages: Achieving Automated English and Spanish Translations of Passenger Protocols in French Public Transportation
Sophie Jubert
Towards a French-Russian Machine Translation system in Controlled Speciality Language
Natallia Khatseyeva
An Evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition in the Spanish Version of Windows 7: Effects of Language Variety, Speaking Style and Gender
María Soledad López Gambino
PT-EN Collocation Equivalents and Machine Translation Evaluation
Lucas Nunes Vieira
Compansion system for a pictogram-based AAC application in Catalan
Joan Pahisa-Solé
Conceptual Representation in an Ontology-to-Text Generator for the Air Quality Domain
Dinara Vakhitova
- Auteur(s)
Gabriel SECONDAT (coord.)Peter GREENFIELD (coord.)Sylviane CARDEY (dir.)The papers have been written as a requirement of the International Masters students' research projects which they presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology, Universite de Franche-Comte, France, 12-13 June, 2012.
- Public
- éléments téléchargeables
- Soutien(s)
European Commission, Education and Training