

Alteridad y construcción cultural de la diferencia en el mundo clásico

Laia PEREZ HURTADO – César SIERRA MARTIN (edit. director)

2024 – ISBN : 978-2-38549-125-3 – 220 pages – book size : 16x22 cm

Collection : Institut des sciences et techniques de l'Antiquité (ISTA)

Availability: In stock

32.00 €

This collective volume, coordinated by the University of Valencia, brings together a dozen specialists on the construction of difference in the ancient world. From a multidisciplinary approach, we propose an analysis centred on two axes: 1) the difference in the perception of human diversity and 2) the construction of political identities. Thus, synthesised by the term diaphora, we aim to achieve an all-encompassing reflection on forms of differentiation in a broad sense that will lead us to new positions on otherness in the ancient world.


Introducción: identidad y diversidad en el mundo griego

          Laia Pérez Hurtado, César Sierra Martín


Alteridad en la literatura periplográfica griega: el caso del Periplo del mar Eritreo

          Manuel Albaladejo Vivero


Recepción e integración de los ἰατρὸι griegos en la República romana

          María Ángeles Alonso Alonso


El ideario oligárquico-tanatocrático de Critias. La eliminación del adversario político para la salud de la pólis

          Paulo Donoso Johnson


Los bárbaros en la obra de Arriano de Nicomedia. La Ἀλεξάνδρου άνάϐασις

          Leslie Lagos Aburto


Naturaleza humana y alteridad en Jenofonte y Aristóteles

          Carolina Olivares Chávez


O diálogo entre medicina e filosofia em Plutarco e Galeno: marcas identitárias

          Joaquim Pinheiro


Becoming Mothers. From the Maia to Hippocratic Treatises

          Susana Reboreda Morillo


Philantrōpía: amor al prójimo y alteridad en Epidemias del Corpus hippocraticum

          César Sierra Martín


Il “mestiere degli stranieri”. Profumieri egiziani ad Atene tra V e IV secolo a. C.

          Giuseppe Squillace

Author (s)
Laia PEREZ HURTADO (edit. director)
Laia Pérez Hurtado has a degree in Archaeology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, an interuniversity master’s degree in Ancient Mediterranean (UOC-UAB-UAH) and is currently working on her doctoral thesis on otherness and gender studies at the Universitat de València.
César SIERRA MARTIN (edit. director)
César Sierra Martín has a degree in History and a PhD in Ancient History from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and is currently assistant lecturer at the Universitat de València. His lines of work are historiography and the history of medicine in antiquity.
The book is mainly aimed at the scientific community (researchers and teacher-researchers in ancient history, epigraphy, ancient religions), students and an audience interested in alterity questions relating to antiquity.
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Support (s)
Published with the support of the Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l'Antiquité (UR 4011) and thanks to the project (GV/180/202) ‘Hippocrates among the barbarians: medicine, otherness and geography in Classical Greece (5th-4th century BC)’ funded by the Generalitat Valenciana.