Products tagged with 'médiation'
Le rôle du juge en matière de MARD/PRD. Regards croisés Québec, Suisse, Belgique, France
Catherine TIRVAUDEY (edit. director) – 2021
This publication deals with the way ARD (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is perceived and used by jurisdictions in France, Canada (Québec), Belgium, and Switzerland, more particularly how this choice made by the judge alters his task and how the judge may technically implement it.
20.00 € -
Les droits étrangers au secours des modes amiables de règlement des différends (MARD)
Catherine TIRVAUDEY (edit. director) – 2019
This book presents experiences of early or well-established Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures in various countries and legal systems in Europe, Asia, Africa and Canada.25.00 €