- Résumé
Ce numéro spécial du BULAG contient les articles les plus marquants écrits par les étudiants de la première promotion (2008) du programme européen Master Erasmus Mundus “International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology”. Les articles ont été écrits par les étudiants en réponse à une exigence dans le cadre de leurs mémoires de recherche présentés au 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 16-17 juin 2010. Thèmes de recherche : traduction automatique (5 articles), désambiguïsation (3), enseignement assisté par ordinateur (1), extraction d'informations (2); ces thèmes associent des analyses linguistiques, incluant souvent des analyses comparatives de plusieurs langues : anglais, amharic, chinois, espagnol, français, portugais, russe et vietnamien.
This special number of the BULAG contains research papers of special merit written by students of the 1st intake (2008) of the European Erasmus Mundus Masters Course International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology. The papers have been written as a requirement of the students’ research projects which they presented at the 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology, Universidade do Algarve, June 16-17, 2010. Research themes: machine translation (5 papers), disambiguation (3), computer-assisted language learning (1), information extraction (2); these with associated linguistic analyses, including comparative, of several languages: Amarhic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Vietnamese. - Sommaire
Sylviane Cardey
A Syntax-Based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation: the Case of Hacer in a Spanish Dependency Treebank
Alicia Burga Diaz
Achieving a Better Machine Translation via a Controlled Language for the Oenology Domain
Tessa Cornally
Syntactic Problems in French‑Russian Machine Translation: de‑Syntagms in Periodical Translation
Ekaterina Ershova
Part of Speech Tagging for Amharic
Binyam Gebrekidan Gebre
Translatability in English‑Vietnamese Noun Phrase Translation and Genericity Disambiguation for the English Noun Phrase
Sinh Le Thi
Computer Aided Generation of Collocation Exercises
Fang Li
Proper Name Errors in Online Translation Texts from English into Vietnamese: an Abnalysis and a Proposed Solution
Thao Phan Thi Thanh
Term Frequency for Extraction of Explicit and Implicit Features from Subjective Sentences of Customer Reviews
Ashequl Qadir
From Zero to Hero: the Importance of Marking Ellipsis and Guidelines for its Annotation in Spanish
Luz Rello
A Natural Language Interface for SPARQL by means of Hierarchical Categorisation
Ibrahim Soumana
A Supervised Machine Learning Method for Word Sense Disambiguation of Portuguese Nouns
Marcos Zampieri
- Auteur(s)
Gabriel SEKUNDA (coord.)Peter GREENFIELD (coord.)Sylviane CARDEY (dir.)Les articles ont été écrits par les étudiants en réponse à une exigence pour l'obtention du Master International en Traitement automatique des langues et industries des langues dans le cadre de leurs mémoires de recherche présentés au 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology Universidade do Algarve, Faro, 16-17 juin 2010.
The papers have been written as a requirement of the International Masters students' research projects which they presented at the 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technology, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, June 16-17, 2010. - Public
Chercheurs, étudiants
- En Ligne
- Soutien(s)
European Commission, Education and Training