

Editor: Sylviane Cardey

Created in 1980, the BuLAG book series, Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale (Bulletin of Applied and General Linguistics) publishes original theoretical or applied articles in general linguistics and natural language processing. It is an internationalpeer-reviewed journal and each year a theme is proposed and a call is posted on various mailing lists. Articles in English or French are selected by an international committee.

Responsable de la revue : Sylviane Cardey

Créé en 1980, BuLAG, Bulletin de linguistique appliquée et générale publie des articles originaux théoriques ou appliqués sur des thèmes relevant de la linguistique générale et du traitement automatique des langues. Chaque année un thème est affiché sur proposition d'un coordinateur. L’appel est ensuite lancé sur diverses listes de diffusions. Les articles sont sélectionnés par un comité international après avis de deux « referees ». Les articles doivent être présentés en anglais ou en français.


Cahiers du théâtre antique

Editors: Michel Fartzoff and Marie-Pierre Noël

Published by the Groupe Interdisciplinaire du Théâtre Antique and Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier), the Cahiers du GITA (CGita) were founded by Paulette Ghiron-Bistagne and subsequently edited by Alain Moreau, Pierre Sauzeau, and Marie-Pierre Noël. The opening issue, entitled Melpomène 84: mélanges interdisciplinaires sur la tragédie grecque, came out in 1985. Several supplements and 18 numbers on a single theme came out from 1985 until 2011.

Now published by the Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté and edited jointly by Michel Fartzoff and Marie-Pierre Noël, within the framework of a cooperation between research centers ISTA (Institut des Sciences et Techniques de l’Antiquité – EA 4011) in Besançon and CRISES (Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Sciences Humaines et Sociales – EA 4424) in Montpellier, CTA (a.k.a. CGita) is currently the only French journal devoted to ancient classical theater and its reception.

Each issue is devoted to a central theme (study of a play or theatrical), and rooted primarily in Greek and Roman theater, though regularly incorporating a comparative literature approach, both synchronically and diachronically: thus, ancient classical theater is envisaged within both its original performance context and its interpretive, performance, and constant adaptation history, from antiquity to the present day. The journal is therefore intended for a wide readership: all specialists of Greek and Roman antiquity and its reception, and also everyone interested in Western theatrical history, forms, and practice.




 See Skén&graphie.


Dialogue d'Histoire Ancienne

Editor: Antonio Gonzales

Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne (DHA) is a multilingual international semiannual journal (with a three-tiered editorial board) devoted to ancient history and classical studies. Since its founding by Pierre Lévêque in 1974, it has been a site for discussion and debate for specialists of antiquity with the most diverse scholarly backgrounds. Since 2005, it has issued two or three yearly supplements It is sponsored by the Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales of the CNRS and published and distributed by the Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. It features scholarly articles, summaries of events, book reviews, and brief notes. It includes a table of contents, abstracts, and keywords. Articles are submitted to the editorial committee for approval before going through peer-review (two outside experts, a third one if arbitration is needed) in blind copy, in keeping with procedures agreed upon by the editorial committee.



HiMA : revue internationale d'histoire militaire ancienne

Editor: Giusto Traina

The Revue internationale d’Histoire Militaire Ancienne (HiMA) aims at providing everyone interested in ancient military history – teachers, scholars, academics, students, and a wider cultivated audience  – with the opportunity to follow the most recent research in the field of military history, war, and societies in the ancient world. Its primary focus is the Mediterranean World in its entirety (Near-East, Egypt, Greece, Rome, late antiquity), but it is open to other contexts, such as China and Central Asia, especially from a comparative perspective. Its interests also encompass “ancient military thought” and its posthumous influence in the modern era.
Its hope is to deal with military history in all its aspects: not only specifically technical issues such as strategy and tactics, logistics, and armament, but also economics and the law, social and institutional history, as well as event-driven history, based on military and diplomatic activities, and still often derided as “battle history.” Indeed, war is not just the history of battles: it is deeply rooted in the structures of societies, where it stands with the rule rather than the exception, as the ancients were well aware.

An international, plurilingual journal, HiMA is published once a year and comprises articles, chronicles, and full-length and brief reviews. In  addition, it regularly issues thematic supplements.


 Hera's Peacock

Editor: Laurence Le Diagon

Hera’s Peacock is an international thematic interdisciplinary journal.

What’s in a name?

In Greek mythology Hera sent Argus, the giant with a hundred eyes, to watch over her unfaithful husband Zeus, who was enamoured of Io. To recover his freedom of action, the king of the gods commanded Hermes to slay the giant. Thwarted, Hera transferred Argus’s eyes to the peacock, her favourite animal. This hundred-eyed peacock captures the ambition of the journal—to convey multiple points of view of one subject.



Editor: Louis Ucciani

Journal published by the Center of Philosophical documentation and bibliography and by the University of Franche-Comté’s Philosophical Research Laboratory on the logic of action.


Publications mathématiques de Besançon

Editor: Christophe Delaunay

Created in 1974 by Georges Gras, The Mathematic Publications of Besançon – Algebra and Number Theory edit not only research articles, but also synthetic articles, articles des actes, and advanced course articles. The journal is reviewed by Zentralblatt and Mathematical Reviews.



Editor: Andrée Chauvin-Vileno

Founders: Th. Aron, J. Peytard (1983). Semen (Collection from the Annales Littéraires) is a language sciences journal: it mainly deals with speech analysis, textual linguistics, and semiotics. Links with other disciplines: psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology.



Editors: Julia Peslier and Pascal Lécroart

Skén&graphie, successor journal of Coulisses, a pluridisciplinary and compartive study of writings for and about the stage in three domains: the « Critical Journal » unfolds thematic lines; the «Cahier de la création» deals with beautifying unedited dramatic texts; the “Cahier des Spectacles det des Professionnels” summarizes life in the current scene.

  1. L'Autobiographie sur scène

    L'Autobiographie sur scène

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2023

    Autobiographical theatre, and the way it stages lives or history, is at the core of the critical notebook. The other diaries take on the colours of Ukraine: focus on the post 24.02.22 and what the war is reconfiguring on Ukrainian stages.

    12.00 €
  2. couverture revue Sken&graphie 7 Scènes queer contemporaines

    Scènes queer contemporaines

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2021

    Through interviews and studies, the critical dossier shows how queer is renewing the contemporary scene (French, Spanish and English speaking), before turning its attention to the works of D. Guenoun, Z. Ligiero, A. Dumas and C. Honoré.

    12.00 €
  3. Voyages des cultures et des mémoires dans les arts de la scène

    Voyages des cultures et des mémoires dans les arts de la scène

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LECROART (edit. director) – 2019

    Crossroads of cultures, memories and the contemporary world, from Latin America to Asia, this issue shows complex and indefinitely reappropriated processes of creation, between tradition and modernity, in the performing arts.

    12.00 €
  4. Juste la fin du monde de Jean-Luc Lagarce à Xavier Dolan

    Juste la fin du monde de Jean-Luc Lagarce à Xavier Dolan

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2017

    Skén&graphie consacre son n°5 à Juste la fin du monde de Jean-Luc Lagarce, de sa genèse à son adaptation cinématographique par Xavier Dolan. Des inédits et un hommage à Gatti complète le volume.

    12.00 €
  5. Médée à l’opéra

    Médée à l’opéra

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2017

    Skén&graphie, revue comparatiste et pluridisciplinaire sur les arts de la scène, publie dans son 4e numéro, un dossier sur Médée à l’opéra, un inédit de G. Laubert et une traduction d’Abilio Estévez, et diverses chroniques et entretiens.

    12.00 €
  6. Les écritures dramatiques et la radio

    Les écritures dramatiques et la radio

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2015

    Skén&graphie, revue de théâtre comparatiste et pluridisciplinaire, propose, dans son 3e numéro, un dossier critique sur les écritures dramatiques et la radio, avant d’offrir un inédit d’André Hodeir et de rendre compte de spectacles contemporains.

    12.00 €
  7. Paroles de danseurs et de chorégraphes

    Paroles de danseurs et de chorégraphes

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2014

    Dans son second numéro, Skén&Graphie, revue de théâtre comparatiste et pluridisciplinaire, propose un dossier sur le mot et le geste dans la danse contemporaine à travers les paroles de chorégraphes, publie les extraits d’une pièce radiophonique inédite de Y. Allegret et de la traduction d’une pièce de T. Hürlimann ; rend compte de spectacles contemporains et de la vie de compagnies.

    12.00 €
  8. Des écritures et des plateaux

    Des écritures et des plateaux

    Julia PESLIER – Pascal LÉCROART (edit. director) – 2014

    Comparatiste et pluridisciplinaire, la revue de théâtre Skén&graphie propose, dans son premier numéro, un dossier critique sur les écritures de plateau avant de faire place à des textes et de traductions dramatiques inédits et de rendre compte de spectacles contemporains.

    12.00 €