couverture de la revue Le Paon d'Héras, Tristan et Isolde

Tristan et Isolde : de l’aube au crépuscule

Mythes, musiques, scènes et films

Pierre Albert CASTANET – Muriel JOUBERT (edit. director)
Àlex OLLÉ (preface by)
Florence FIX – Laurence LE DIAGON-JACQUIN (frwd)

2022 – ISBN : 978-2-84867-906-8 – 276 pages – book size : 16x24 cm

Revue : Hera’s peacock

Availability: In stock

20.00 €

This 12th issue of Paon d’Héra wishes to honor the myth of Tristan and Isolde by placing the research in a perspective of the history of ideas and representations. Presenting sources drawn upstream and downstream from Wagner's romantic opera, this book has the merit of approaching legend through literary and musicological, scenographic and cinematographic means. In this wake, the authors of Tristan and Isolde: from dawn to dusk - myths, music, scenes and films have brought together - apart from the reports targeting Wagner and Debussy - the sister figures that are Eros and Thanatos, the Night and the Day, Good and Evil, Music and Silence, Lights and Darkness ...


Préface par Àlex Ollé, Un cercle infini de questions et de réponses



Tristan et Isolde, du mythe à Wagner

Pierre Albert Castanet



Autour de la nuit dans Tristan et Isolde de Wagner et Pelléas et Mélisande de Debussy : entre profondeur et transparence

Muriel Joubert



Pelléas et Mélisande - un hommage à Tristan ?

Frédéric Gonin



Tristan et Isolde après Wagner

Pierre Albert Castanet



Citer : de l’usage de Tristan de Wagner au cinéma

Philippe Roger



Tristan und Isolde à Bayreuth depuis 1951 : d’un monde complice à un monde hostile

Guy Cherqui






Biographie des auteurs

Author (s)
Pierre Albert CASTANET (edit. director)
Composer, musicologist and professor at the University of Rouen Normandy, Pierre Albert Castanet has written numerous books and articles on subjects that are both transversal and contemporary.
Muriel JOUBERT (edit. director)
Muriel Joubert, teacher and researcher at Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Musicology), is the author of texts around the notion of depth in music.
Àlex OLLÉ (preface by)
Florence FIX (frwd)
Laurence LE DIAGON-JACQUIN (frwd)
Musicologists (teachers, researchers, students), musicians, directors and stage designers, music lovers, performers.
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Support (s)
Passages XX-XXI (Univ. Lyon 2)