
Annales littéraires

Editor: France Marchal-Ninosque 

The collection Annales littéraires bears the same name as the service created by the faculty of literature and humanities at the University of Besançon. This collection presents a rich catalog and is structured around about 15 series, 4 of which being periodicals, supported by research teams largely covering the sectors of humanities and social sciences.


Institut des sciences et techniques de l'Antiquité (ISTA)

Editor: Antonio Gonzales

The Institut des sciences et techniques de l'Antiquité (ISTA) has created its own multithematic collection (slavery and dependence, religions, technology, cultures and societies, philology, literature, archeology) reflecting its research orientations. The collection publishes and disseminates work by French and international scholars. Its editorial board includes the director of the research unit, the coordinators of each field of research, and the editorial coordinator. Books proposed for publication are reviewed by the committee and sent to a minimum of two experts for scholarly peer review.  


Les cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux

Editor: Philippe Barral

This book collection aims to publish and disseminate the results of collective works carried out by researchers from the MSHE Claude Nicolas Ledoux. The book collection is divided into five book series corresponding to the five research areas of the MSHE Ledoux:

-       Territorial dynamics

-       Standards, Practices and Knowledge

-       Archives, databases and corpus

-       Humanity and environment

-       Behaviours, risks, health


They are completed by two new thematic series:

-       Archives of the social imagination

-       Land and agricultural standards and practices around the world


Pratiques & techniques

Editor: Martin Meyer

This collection aims to publish works of fundamental research, applied research, work-studies/action-researches (recherche-action) as well as synthetics works that attempt to spread the results. The themes relative to this collection are applicable for taught and practiced disciplines alike. The series « Practices and Techniques » addresses itself to teachers, professionals, and on a larger level every reader motivated by the developped themes and the application of the research.

Droit, politique et société

Editor: Caroline Decoster

This published collection of scientific works, research instruments and both French and foreign judicial sources is intended for researchers, teachers and confirmed students. Its objective is not only to properly promote political and judicial works, but also those that analyze judicial phenomena in an introductory manner.


Sciences : concepts et problèmes

Editor: Sarah Carvallo

The collection publishes epistemological works on the various scientific disciplines (formal sciences, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences). It mainly hosts books on the philosophy of science, but also studies in the history or sociology of science with an epistemological dimension.


Hors collection

Editor: Jean-Paul Barrière

This section gathers the works edited by Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté whose themes do not correspond with those of currently existing collections, notably the series « Thesis » which publishes theses from the University of Franche-Comté distinguished by « Jeune docteur » prize.

  1. Les secrétaires d’État parlementaires à l’allemande : un exemple à suivre ?

    Les secrétaires d’État parlementaires à l’allemande : un exemple à suivre ?

    Alexis FOURMONT – Yann AGUILA (frwd) – Jean-Pierre CAMBY (preface by) – Jean-Jacques URVOAS (postface by) – 2024

    In France, coordination between Parliament and the government is the responsibility of a Minister for Relations with Parliament. It is different in Germany, where this cooperation is “decentralized” thanks to parliamentary state secretaries.

    20.00 €
  2. Kaamelott, la légende juridique

    Kaamelott, la légende juridique

    Alexandre CIAUDO – Yann BASIRE – Anne-Laure MOSBRUCKER (edit. director) – 2023

    In the continuity of recent works on law and pop culture, this collection brings together contributions on the legal aspect of the Kaamelott universe created by Alexandre Astier. A stimulating re-reading of a social phenomenon.

    21.00 €
  3. Le droit contre-attaque

    Le droit contre-attaque

    Alexandre CIAUDO – Yannick LECUYER – Anne-Laure MOSBRUCKER (edit. director) – Yannick LÉCUYER (frwd) – 2021

    Following on recent publications comparing works of fiction and academic knowledge, this volume gathers papers dealing with a legal analysis of the Star Wars universe : a pretty stimulating new reading of a pop culture phenomenon.

    21.00 €
  4. role_juge_mard_couverture

    Le rôle du juge en matière de MARD/PRD. Regards croisés Québec, Suisse, Belgique, France

    Catherine TIRVAUDEY (edit. director) – 2021

    This publication deals with the way ARD (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is perceived and used by jurisdictions in France, Canada (Québec), Belgium, and Switzerland, more particularly how this choice made by the judge alters his task and how the judge may technically implement it.

    20.00 €
  5. couverture de l'ouvrage Les super-héros au prisme du droit de Alexandre Ciaudo, Yann Basire et Anne-Laure MOSBRUCKER

    Les super-héros au prisme du droit

    Alexandre CIAUDO – Yann BASIRE – Anne-Laure MOSBRUCKER (edit. director) – 2020

    Following on from recent works on law and pop-culture, this collection brings together contributions focusing on the legal aspect of the superheroic universe: a stimulating re-reading of a social phenomenon.

    21.00 €
  6. MARD_couverture

    Les droits étrangers au secours des modes amiables de règlement des différends (MARD)

    Catherine TIRVAUDEY (edit. director) – 2019

    This book presents experiences of early or well-established Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures in various countries and legal systems in Europe, Asia, Africa and Canada.
    25.00 €
  7. Dialectica est bene disputandi scientia

    Dialectica est bene disputandi scientia

    Laurent KONDRATUK (edit. coord.) – René HEYER (preface by) – 2018

    Ce livre rassemble une vingtaine d’articles touchant aux humanités, au droit des religions et l’histoire médiévale, à la mémoire de Jean Werckmeister (1947-2011), historien du droit canonique (Strasbourg), spécialiste du droit médiéval et du mariage.

    39.00 €
  8. Définir la rue publique du bas Moyen Âge

    Définir la rue publique du bas Moyen Âge

    Aurelle LEVASSEUR – 2017

    Cet ouvrage analyse les normes d’usage collectif et les règles de construction qui concourraient à la qualification et définition de la rue publique médiévale.

    16.00 €
  9. La performance énergétique des bâtiments et le plan local d’urbanisme

    La performance énergétique des bâtiments et le plan local d’urbanisme

    Carole CHEVILLEY-HIVER (edit. director) – 2016

    La performance énergétique des bâtiments figure désormais au contenu du PLU qui vient ainsi renforcer la réglementation nationale des constructions. Si ce dispositif est mal défini, il offre pourtant de réelles perspectives que l’ouvrage analyse.

    15.00 €